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Landslide Hazard and Susceptibility map for Nepal
This map shows earthquake and rainfall-triggered landslide Hazard and susceptibility for Nepal. Please click the layers icon in the map area to choose from one of four layers described below.
Earthquake-triggered landslide hazard
Landslide hazard map derived using PGA values with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years (provided by the Global Earthquake Model- GEM)
The map shows the spatial distribution of seismically induced landslide hazard across Nepal. The approach adopted to create the hazard assessment follows Nadim et al (2006) which defines the landslide hazard level as being a combination of the trigger, in this case ground shaking related to earthquakes, and the susceptibility. Derived using PGA values with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years (provided by the Global Earthquake Model -GEM).
Earthquake-triggered landslide susceptibility
Susceptibility map for co-seismic landslides developed using a fuzzy logic approach and expert input.
The map shows the spatial distribution of the susceptibility of an area to landslides. Susceptibility measures the degree to which a terrain may potentially be affected by landsliding; it is an estimate of where landslides are likely to occur in the future. The susceptible areas were determined by correlating a set of geo-environmental factors that contribute to slope instability with the past distribution of landslides triggered by seismicity.
Rainfall-triggered landslide hazard
Landslide hazard map derived using the METEOR rainfall-triggered susceptibility model and a 50 year return period (RP) rainfall model (Marahatta et al., 2009).
The map shows the spatial distribution of landslide hazard across Nepal. Landslide hazard is the probability of occurrence within a specific period of time and within a given area of a potentially damaging landslide. The approach adopted here to create the hazard assessment defines the landslide hazard as being a combination of the trigger, in this case a 50 year return period (RP) rainfall mode land the landslide susceptibility (see the METEOR Rainfall-triggered landslide susceptibility model of Nepal).The 50 year return period (RP) rainfall model was created from Marahatta, S., Dongol, B. and Gurung, G., 2009 temporal and spatial variability of climate change over Nepal (1976-2005), Practical Action Nepal.
Rainfall-triggered landslide susceptibility
Susceptibility map for landslides triggered by rainfall using a fuzzy logic approach and expert input.
The map shows the spatial distribution of the susceptibility of an area to landslides. Susceptibility measures the degree to which a terrain may potentially be affected by landsliding; it is an estimate of where landslides are likely to occur in the future. The
susceptible areas were determined by correlating a set of geo-environmental factors that contribute to slope instability with the past distribution of landslides triggered by rainfall.
The map was co-developed by the British Geological Survey in association with NSET, ICIMOD, Tribhuvan University and DoLIDAR/MOFAGA, within the framework of the UK Space Agency METEOR Project (